Voyaging (Glossary of Terms)

The need to know about our on-chain game.

Glossary of Terms



The home of the Damned Pirates Society. The last refuge against the Reapers. For now it's a safe haven for the Pirate fleets to rebuild.

Treasure Maps (TMAP)

Earned automatically by Gen 0 Pirates, TMAP is burned to take part in voyages and, in future, other Pirateverse activities.


Doubloons are the in-game currency of the Pirateverse. Used to repair your flagship, buy support ships & buy cosmetics for your flagships. As we develop further there will be an increasing number of ways to spend your doubloons, both on-chain and in-game.


Pirates are currently the only assets that can go on voyages and Gen 0 can generate Treasure Maps (TMAP).


Required to sail on a voyage. Upgradeable skills and cosmetics can be applied. Can be damaged on voyages but not destroyed.

Support Ships

A consumable, single skill item that boosts the total skill by an amount dependent on rarity.


A set voyage length of 6-24 interactions. Each interaction takes 1 hour. Successful voyages luck interactions will earn treasure chests. Unsuccessful strength or navigation interaction will result in a damaged Flagship or Support Ship.

Treasure Chests

A treasure chest will contain doubloons and the chance at a Captains Lockbox.

Captains Lockbox

Will contain an artifact of varying rarity. May contain other drops in future.


An item that boosts a single skill by an amount dependent on rarity. These are taken on voyages to increase your chances of success. Artifacts have unlimited uses.


Composable NFT items that will become part of Flagships and other DPS collectibles to change their appearance.


Allows you to mint voyages, trade TMAP and Doubloons.


Buy support ships, repair your flagships and buy ship cosmetics.


Where you go to plan and assign pirates, support ships and artifacts to a voyage, then set sail.

Plunderers Guild

Exchange chests for Doubloons and hopefully receive the elusive Captain's Lockbox.


The Tavern is a social space. Learn about Damned Pirates Society and what's going on in Tortuga. Runs the Crew for Coin loaning platform.

Last updated