Add tokens to Metamask


Add tokens to your metamask

Open metamask, under assets tab, scroll down to the bottom and click import tokens. Enter the address of the tokens below to add them to your metamask:

DPS (Gen0 Pirates): 0x224AcB257f1E95Fe310E1ab9BB402C579bC5eeAE

Doubloons: 0x2758b57E3C052aE2B66be2E175c8F1980723d7aF

TMAP: 0x0e67601818237834fF8A280312a6F4F4934e6283

RUM: 0x5B08c27c10927eCd8b75EDd8e16cfc448D4bf1e4

Arbitrum Nova

Add tokens to your metamask

Open metamask, under assets tab, scroll down to the bottom and click import tokens. Enter the address of the tokens below to add them to your metamask:

DPS (Pirates):

Doubloons (Gen1 Pirates):0xeFAeeE334F0Fd1712f9a8cc375f427D9Cdd40d73

TMAP: 0x80A16016cC4A2E6a2CACA8a4a498b1699fF0f844

RUM: 0x6aB6d61428fde76768D7b45D8BFeec19c6eF91A8

Moonriver - Deprecated

Add tokens to your metamask

Open metamask, under assets tab, scroll down to the bottom and click import tokens. Enter the address of the tokens below to add them to your metamask:

DPS (Gen0 Pirates): 0xB6E9e605AA159017173CAa6181C522Db455F6661

Doubloons: 0xE413a631E8a9a10958D9b7c64157449eAe7C2064

TMAP: 0xF37626E2284742305858052615E94B380B23B3b7

RUM: 0xA73288bb8a196Ed8B2F2f8DD17cd765c6FD2d8C2

Last updated